MCG Gate 2

Provisional membership

Welcome to the Melbourne Cricket Club!

Congratulations on becoming a Provisional member of the MCC, one of the oldest sporting clubs in the world.

Provisional membership is the first step in the flow of Melbourne Cricket Club membership. As a new member, you will progress through the Provisional and Restricted member categories on your way to Full membership.

As an MCC member, you have access to attend live sport and events, dine at exclusive member facilities, attend functions and browse Australia’s premier collections of sporting artefacts and literature.

Your MCC membership commences on September 1, and your card will be your personal and non-transferrable ticket to gain entry to the Members' Reserve for events that Provisional members are entitled to attend.

The MCC’s 29th President, Fred Oldfield, would like to welcome you to the MCC.

Tour of the MCC Reserve

The MCC Members’ Reserve consists of four levels and has a capacity of almost 23,000. It is where members and their guests gather to witness the great sporting moments at the MCG. Watch the video below to take a tour of the Reserve.

Your Provisional Member Benefits

Watch the video below to get a great overview of the benefits and entitlements that come with being a Provisional member of the Club.

Your Digital Information Booklet

Much of the information you need to know as a Provisional Member is included in the Provisional Member Information Book below. You can access details regarding:
  • Access to the Members’ Reserve
  • Dress Standards
  • Code of Conduct
  • MCC Plus
  • Functions & non-match day access
  • Sporting Sections and Special Interest Groups

This booklet is available to download here, or continue reading below for further information on your membership.

Access to the Members’ Reserve

Your membership tier will determine the level of access you may have to certain events and facilities and it is important to note that as a Provisional member, you may have limited or no access to parts of the Reserve on days when the attendance of Full and Restricted members and their guests is forecast to be high.

All events are placed into a category according to the expected demand from members and their guests to attend the Reserve; these categories are posted on the MCC website and communicated to you via email. The event categorisation will determine what access you as a Provisional member will have to the Reserve, including access to reserved seats, dining room bookings and visitor tickets for your guests.

As a guide, Provisional members have not had access to the AFL Finals Series including the AFL Grand Final, blockbuster matches including the AFL season opener between Carlton and Richmond, the ANZAC Eve and ANZAC Day matches, the Queen’s Birthday game between Melbourne and Collingwood, Dreamtime at the ‘G as well as the first day of the Boxing Day Test.

Please note, when pre-booking reserved seat tickets you may also be able to purchase visitor tickets, enabling you to entertain guests in the Reserve. It is expected that you accompany any guests that you purchase visitor tickets for and you are considered responsible for their behaviour.

While visiting the Reserve, you will be able to dine at a wide range of members-only facilities and attend exclusive Club functions and events. Like the event-day categories, there may be instances where Full and Restricted members are given priority to book dining facilities or Club functions.

Further information is available via the Visiting the Members’ Reserve tile below.

Dress Standards

When visiting the Members’ Reserve there are certain dress standards that members and their guests must follow.

The dress standards are enforced at all events in the Members’ Reserve, so to avoid any embarrassment at the turnstiles, please ensure that your attire, and that of your guests, is appropriate.

Notwithstanding the outlined dress standards, management reserves the right to refuse entry to any person considered not suitably attired.

Further information is available via the Dress Standards tile below.

Membership Expectations and Code of Conduct

Members and their guests are expected to observe a standard of behaviour that is socially acceptable and in keeping with the standards befitting the Club.

The Club’s Code of Conduct has been developed to help provide clear guidance on the expected standards and behaviours.

Membership cards are for individual use only and are strictly non-transferrable under any circumstances. It is the members’ responsibility to ensure their card is secure at all times. Misuse of membership cards may result in suspension or expulsion from the Club. Random checks of photo ID membership cards will be undertaken at the turnstiles and throughout the Reserve during the season.

Members who lose, damage or have their membership card stolen must notify the Club as soon as possible. Unless a police report is provided in the event of a stolen card, a $25.00 fee is payable for a replacement card.

Further information is available via the Code of Conduct tile below.

Other Benefits of MCC Membership

Access to the Reserve
  • Free admission to the Members' Reserve for a majority of events held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground under conditions advised prior to each event.
  • The right to introduce guests on specific match days by purchasing a visitors ticket and on non-event weekdays.
  • Possibility of access to special events like soccer, rugby union and rugby league, generally at a subsidised admission fee.
  • Access to various Members’ Reserve dining and bar facilities on specific event days.

MCC Plus
  • Access to MCC Plus, a program adding more value to your membership. Further information is available via the MCC Plus tile below.

Functions and non-match day access
  • Invitations to attend a wide range of Club functions and events suitable for all interests and age demographics. Note: there may be some functions and events only available to Full and Restricted members.
  • Free access to the MCC Museum and Library – which boast Australia’s premier collections of sporting artefacts, artworks and literature – and free admission to take an MCG Tour.
  • A 20% discount on entry to the Australian Sports Museum, located at Gate 3 of the MCG, where Australia’s sporting past and future comes to life. Further information is available via the Australian Sports Museum tile below. To purchase your ticket for an MCG Tour and/or the Australian Sports Museum, click here.

Sporting Sections and Special Interest Groups
  • The opportunity to join the Club’s sporting sections such as baseball, bowls, croquet, football, golf, hockey, lacrosse, netball, real tennis, squash, target shooting and tennis. Further information is available via the Club Sport tile below.
  • The opportunity to join any of the Club’s special interest groups such as the Long Room Wine and Food Society, Military Veterans Group, Bridge Club, Young Members, Women of the MCC and the XXIX Club, which plays social cricket matches locally, interstate and overseas. Further information is available via the Special Interest Groups tile below.

Provisional members also receive regular news updates via website, email and social media.

Access to other special offers exclusive to MCC members can be found here from time to time. Further information is available via the Member Offers tile below.

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