MCC stands

Restricted membership

Restricted membership of the Melbourne Cricket Club entitles access to the Members Reserve for almost all events at the MCG.

Restricted members can access the Members' Reserve, including the Long Room and all member-only seating areas, for all MCG football and cricket events with the exception of certain matches within the AFL Finals Series – including the AFL Grand Final – and special events such as the ICC Cricket World Cup.

This membership category gives members extensive rights to access members dining facilities and the Balcony seating area, as well as to introduce visitors to the Reserve by booking visitor tickets.

Membership is restricted in regard to a small category of events in which access to the Reserve is limited – including the AFL Final Series, where the attendance at some matches of Full members and their guests is forecast to fill the capacity of the Reserve. Access and arrangements for the AFL Finals Series and other special events will be communicated to members each year once scheduling is confirmed.

Your Restricted Member Benefits

Watch the video below to get a great overview of the benefits and entitlements that come with being a Restricted member of the Club.

Access to the Members’ Reserve

The Members’ Reserve has a capacity of almost 23,000 and is where members and their guests gather to witness the great sporting moments at the MCG.

Restricted members are entitled to attend meetings of the Club but are unable to vote; nor can they nominate committee or office-bearer candidates, nominate new members or receive privileges at interstate and overseas reciprocal clubs.


  • Free admission to the MCC Members' Reserve for the majority of events at the MCG, with the exception of certain matches within the AFL Finals Series, including the AFL Grand Final, and special events/tournaments such as the ICC Cricket World Cup.
  • Access to MCC Plus, a program adding more value to your membership.
  • The right to introduce visitors on specific match days and on non-event weekdays.
  • Possibility of access to special events like soccer, rugby union and rugby league, generally at a subsidised admission fee.
  • Regular news updates via website, email and social media.
  • Access to various Members Reserve dining and bar facilities on event days. Members and guests may also dine at the Club for lunch on weekdays.
  • Invitations to attend a wide range of Club functions and events suitable for all interests and age demographics.
  • The opportunity to join the Club’s sporting sections such as baseball, bowls, croquet, golf, hockey, lacrosse, netball, real tennis, squash, target shooting and tennis.
  • The opportunity to join any of the Club’s special interest groups such as the Long Room Wine and Food Society, Military Veterans Group, Bridge Club, Young Members Club, Women of MCC group and the XXIX Club, which plays social cricket matches locally, interstate and overseas.
  • Discounted admission to the Australian Sports Museum and free admission to take an MCG Tour.
  • Access to other special offers exclusive to MCC members which can be found here from time to time.