
In addition to the rules of the club and general stadium policies, there are a number of regulations that members should be aware of while in the Reserve.

Members are reminded that they are responsible for the behaviour of themselves and their guests at all times while in the Reserve.

In recent times, the Club has been disappointed that a number of members have been unable to adequately control the behaviour of their guests and have received severe penalties as a consequence. We ask members to respect the club and what it can offer them, and to respect their fellow members.

Dress standards


Members are required to behave in a manner becoming to the club and to behave honourably (whether inside or outside any premises of, or used by, the Club). Members must not act in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Club.

Any member who behaves in an unbecoming or dishonourable manner or in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the club may be expelled from the club, suspended as a member or have his or her rights and privileges restricted.

Guests of members must behave in a similar manner and members are entirely responsible for the behaviour of their guests. While barracking for your team is actively encouraged, you and your guests are urged to respect others in your vicinity.

Bad language and racist remarks will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Seat saving

Seats must not be saved for latecomers. Attendants are authorised to remove coats, rugs and other paraphernalia used to reserve seats for patrons not in attendance.

Once a seat has been occupied it may, of course, be reserved temporarily while patrons are absent from their seat for reasonable purposes.

It is not practical to have staff on hand in all areas throughout the Reserve to police this regulation, so we ask that you and your guests observe the spirit of fair play.

If you observe any abuse of this regulation, please report the matter to the nearest staff member. Please do not take up the issue yourself.

Please note:

Long Room couches
The couches facing the arena inside the Long Room are for elderly or senior members to enhance their enjoyment of the event.

Mobile phones
Please note that mobile phones must be switched off while in the Members Dining Room, Long Room, Committee Room and other formal dining areas.

If you have any questions about any of the Club's rules or regulations, please contact Membership Services on (03) 9657 8888.