Membership categories

Since its inception in 1838, the Melbourne Cricket Club has become synonymous with delivering exceptional experiences for members. With a vibrant social atmosphere and an event schedule at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) to rival all others, MCC membership is well worth the wait.

Access to the Members’ Reserve

The Members’ Reserve has a capacity of almost 23,000 and is where members and their guests gather to witness the great sporting moments at the MCG.

Full membership

Full membership of the Melbourne Cricket Club entitles members access to the Members' Reserve for all cricket* and football events, including the AFL Finals Series, the AFL Grand Final and all days of the Boxing Day Test.

This membership category encompasses metropolitan, country and interstate members, whose annual subscriptions vary for age and geographic reasons.

Full members elected prior to November 19, 1986 may be eligible to purchase an Annual Guest Card which gives the bearer access to the Members' Reserve for all events in which members are able to attend.

*Access may be restricted for certain events such as the ICC Cricket World Cup.

Restricted membership

Restricted membership of the Melbourne Cricket Club entitles access to the Members' Reserve for the majority of events at the MCG, with the exception of certain matches within the AFL Finals Series – including the AFL Grand Final – and special events such as the ICC Cricket World Cup.

Restricted members are entitled to attend meetings of the Club but are not able to vote; nor can they nominate committee or office-bearer candidates, nominate new members or receive privileges at interstate and overseas reciprocal clubs.

Find out more: Restricted membership

Provisional membership

Introduced in 2015, Provisional membership is the first step in the flow of membership before Restricted, and then Full. It serves to give waiting list candidates a membership during the period when they would otherwise be waiting for Restricted membership.

Provisional members may have limited or no access to parts of the Members' Reserve on event days when the attendance of Full and Restricted members and their guests is forecast to be high, such as during the AFL Finals Series and on Day 1 of the Boxing Day Test.

Events will be placed in one of three categories according to the expected demand from members and their guests to attend the Reserve, which are communicated at the beginning of each season. These categories determine the level of access that Provisional members will have to the Reserve, including access to reserved seats, dining room tables, visitor tickets and Long Room passes for guests.

Similar to the Restricted membership category, Provisional members are entitled to attend meetings of the Club but are unable to vote, nominate committee or office-bearer candidates, nominate new members or receive privileges at interstate and overseas reciprocal clubs.

Find out more: Provisional membership

Honorary Life membership

Honorary life membership recognises outstanding service to the Club. It has been bestowed sparingly and, apart from visiting royalty, only 82 members have been honoured since the Club's foundation in 1838. Former MCC CEO Stephen Gough is the Club's most recent Life member, receiving his honour in 2023.

Playing membership

Playing membership may be offered to non-members who play for one of the Club’s Sporting Sections. The MCC fields teams in cricket, baseball, bowls, croquet, football, golf, hockey, lacrosse, netball, real tennis, squash, target shooting and tennis.

Overseas membership

Overseas membership of the Melbourne Cricket Club is a ‘holding’ membership available to members who are residing outside Australia. A member may make application to the Club office for placement on the Overseas membership list once they are residing overseas. A reduced subscription rate would then apply for the following membership season.

Find out more: Overseas membership

50-Year membership

The MCC provides a reserved seating area and the John Landy Room, both on Level 2 of the Members Reserve, for the exclusive use of MCC members of 50 or more years’ standing.

Find out more: 50-year membership

Honorary Cricket membership

The Committee may, from time to time, elect as an Honorary Cricket member such person or persons who it considers is or has been a prominent international cricketer.

Honorary Cricket members may be issued with membership allowing them admission to the Members Reserve and are not required to pay any fees, subscriptions and levies except as specifically determined and fixed by the Committee.

They are not, however, entitled to other rights and privileges of being a member of the Club, unless that Honorary Cricket member is also a member in another capacity.

Find out more: MCC Honorary Cricket members